Our Philosophy

Children are Connected

Children are connected with and contribute to their world. We use positive guidance to encourage their connectedness with their peers and adults. We also take children out into the communities regularly so they learn what is in our community and how our community works.
There is constant dialogue between parents, teachers, and people in the community. Our teachers are active participants within the community and work to provide community members with information and updates of what is occurring within the classroom.

Teachers as Partners

We have a team of caring and passionate teachers who are partners in tamariki’s learning process. We treat caring and reciprocal relationships as foundation for effective teaching and learning.
We strongly believe in the Reggio Emilia approach which views teachers are co-learners who learn alongside children, who closely listen, observe and involve themselves in children’s learning. We look for opportunities to guide children to further explore their interests and to empower them to take responsibilities of their own learning.

The Image of the Child

At Crackerjax, all tamariki are viewed as confident, competent, and curious learners who have unlimited potential and are eager to interact with and contribute to the world. They are provided with a variety of learning opportunities to reach their potential.
In our learning programme, children are the main initiators of their learning process and are treated as active collaborators in their education. We empower children to think, question, investigate, explore, and navigate their own learning.

An Emergent Learning Process

Our philosophy emphasises an emergent curriculum that is child-led, emerges from the interests and ideas of the children. Through the vehicle of discussion, project-based learning experiences, and the value of children’s ideas, opinions, experiences and funds of knowledge which they bring to discussions, children experience a rich variety of learning opportunities that are meaningful, purposeful, and relevant to them.
Although the teacher’s role is to provide provocations to stimulate discussion and enrich these learning experiences, children are encouraged to lead their own learning and to follow their own interests, building on their funds of knowledge, strengths and preferred ways of learning, while being supported to extend their capacity and repertoire for learning.

100 Languages

We view children as capable communicators who are able to express their thoughts and ideas, feelings and creativity through many different languages. We believe children grow in their ability to communicate through their ‘hundred languages’ – a hundred different ways of thinking, discovering and learning which extend beyond verbal communication and include creative expression through singing, movement and dance, drawing, building, sculpture, painting, performance, science, mathematics and more. Each of these hundred languages are valued and nurtured in our learning programme.

The Environment as Third Teacher

We see our environment as an excellent medium through which children’s learning experiences can be enriched. Thus, our team endeavours to create an environment that is open, comfortable, and welcoming.
Our environment is carefully designed to encourage creative expression, communication and relationships, discovery and social responsibility. Children work with a range of open-ended resources and natural and recycled materials which stimulate creativity, exploration and imagination. Each space respects children’s capability by providing them with authentic tools and materials while offering beauty and a sense of well-being and ease.

The Role of Families

We welcome families to visit us anytime and to be part of children’s learning. We believe parents play an essential role in children’s learning experiences.
Families, both their skills and ideas, are very valued in our learning community. Our teachers recognise and respect parents as a child’s true primary teacher. Educators are positioned as advocates and learners alongside the children, also known as “the second teacher.” Parental involvement is critical to the creation of a learning community for children.


Documentation is an essential part of our philosophy. Our teachers document the learning process within the classroom and transcribe the verbal language used by children using photos, videos, and a memory books.

Teachers use documentation to identify strengths, ideas, and next steps to support learning. It also makes the learning process visible. Teachers, parents as well as children can look back and evaluate progress to understand how the child learns.

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